Monday, March 26, 2012

Someone should tell you....

There are some things that I believe are truthful, but no one tells you. Maybe no one tells you because they don't want to scare you. Maybe people don't tell you because they themselves don't want to acknowledge it. Maybe they just don't know when or how to throw it out there. So I'm going to start an ongoing list of things I think someone should tell you, that I wish someone had told me. Here it goes:

1. Labor hurts. You can breathe, pant, do yoga, but in the end for most women (except for the very rare exceptions with some weird mixed signals that claim to orgasm during labor, which to me is just too odd to really think about) it...hurts.

2. It's been my recent experience that no matter how anyone else or life has hurt you, there's a good chance that your children may hurt you MORE- not intentionally but having a piece of your heart and soul out walking around without you is not conducive to peace pf mind and tranquility of spirit.

3. Once you have children, you're never, EVER sleeping truly again. Not like you did pre-children- well some of you may, but most...nope. You're mommy ears are turned on and listening even as you dream. Tuned in for every cough, whimper, scuttle, pitter patter. And even if the kids aren't there, some part of your brain is on stand by for "emergencies" of specifics you can't and don't want to imagine, but there in your brain, it sits and just waits for the phone to ring. As far as I know this is indefinite- sorry.

4.You probably are a little crazy, we all wonder from time to time, so I'm going to go ahead and get it done- yes, you are, yes, your children probably helped drive you there, but let's face it, it was probably a short trip to begin with. I sort of base this on the belief that we're all a bit crazy- and then it grows or diminishes based on environment and other factors, but we start out with a foundation of "a little nutty". be continued....when time or sanity allow

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